As of April 2022, we've given $9,000 in donations toward humanitarian aid for Ukraine, thanks to support from the local community!  


You can give a tax-deductible donation by clicking the DONATE button below.   Be sure to add a note indicating this is for Ukraine.  If you have a preference regarding how the money should be distributed, please include one of the following:  Shelterbox, Rotary Clubs in Poland and Ukraine, Rotary Intl Disaster Fund.


See below for additional details:


In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, our Rotary club has set up a collection to support Ukrainian refugees who have fled to surrounding countries.    According the the United Nations "The senseless war in the Ukraine has forced one million people to flee the country in just seven days, while countless others have been displaced within its borders."


In March 2022, our club donated $1,000 to  Shelterbox, a disaster response organization who will provide temporary transitional housing and other essential supplies.   For each $1,000 we receive in donations, we will make a donation to Shelterbox.   As of April 1, we've donated a total of $3,000 to Shelterbox ($1,000 from our club and $2,000 from the community and individual Rotarians).


As of April 1, our club donated $3,500 to the Rotary Club of Warsaw, Poland, who is coordinating the delivery of medicine to Ukraine.  Individual Rotarians have donated an additional $1,500.    The current total donation to the Warsaw Rotary Club is $5,000. 


Additionally, our Rotary Club donated $1,000 to the Rotary International Disaster Fund.


Thank you for your support.


We meet in person at 12:15pm on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of every month, at the Stage House Restaurant in Scotch Plains. 


4th Wednesday of the month:  Evening Meeting at Darby Road